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적그리스도 일련의 어젠다.


hey people comeback after four years my name is six six six also known as satan and soon i will come up and across they say this world with my new world order before that i will tear is some information that you probably want to know maybe you wonder from there i will move this whole world i will rule the world from one world trade center.-- 자신의 이름이 666인 자가 원월드 트레이드 센터에서 통치할 것이라고 합니다.

one world trade center was there for the antichrist for me also you may be one know what is my opinion on president of the united states i have only  one word he's being yet one day i will be the emperor of the holy roman empire which will rise up from the dust to the phoenix birth and i will be the president of the united states of america this is the official president my first efficient --- 적그리스도는 장차 땅(비천한 상태)에서 불사조 탄생이 있을 때 까지 솟아오르는 신성로마 제국의 황제가 될 것이며, 미합중국의 대통령이 될 것인데, 이것은 공식적인 대통령이며 나의 처음 효과적인...  / 미국 대통령이 될 것이라는 부분이 중요.

 so be careful and meddlesome tape from the royal family. it is a huge theater she never bore a baby, extremely ladies you're still a virgin she is still a virgin although she's 36 years old so lettings because i requirement for my assidtant to be a working it was done also you may be wondering if i will have a wide with the pentacrest i wrote more neck and tell you her name her name is lucky mom shower mom give the younger sister of the exit model get lossless it's awful now my name is 666.


many of you to know what is the truth behind the collapse of two towers on 9/11  i will tell you the truth as the antichrist  those two towers collapse not because of pains not because of controlled detonation this was a huge theater for your eyes but hopefully you're not such idoits not to see the truth hitting literally into your eyes.

look those plates were not real maybe some of you heard about a bluebim project we and those claims were holograms and it was like this those planes as holograms approached to first tower and second tower and in their place where your hologram editor tower were placed explosives so it looked like plane hit the tower two times then huge tall towers made of steel and concrete collapse like a house of cards to the ground you think that this is normal if you were watch some video and frame you will analyze the moment when the plane hit the tower you will see something an undeniabel that the plane will literally disappeared how how is this possible  ~~~ 


4편 내용.


currently i live as human being in europe for all my life and waiting for my day when the power over the world will be handed over to me.- 현재 유럽에 살고 있으며 자신의 때를 기다리고 있음.

 so i will be able to bring the new world order when these times will come and they will come pretty soon i will get a body and of course new voice new capabilities and this means that i will look very very attractive tall with muscles, darker skins like hair, blue eyes very an extremely chrismatic  with our huge influence and with a huge gift of gab--  근육질의 큰 키, 머리카락과 같이 더 거무잡잡한 피부,  눈동자가 파랗고 카리스마 있는 매우 매력적인 모습. --눈동자가 파랗고 강인한 모습의 백인일 가능성이 큼.

@참고:  the gift of gab: 말재주, 말주변/ gab-잡담, 수다.

this is what i will be when it will come if you think that it's impossible to get a new body there are more unbelievable things in this world for instance time traveling time travelind is existing thing it really exists and it's much more unbeliavable ~~ 블라 블라~~~